What Are The Causes Of Dry Skin In Winter & How To Prevent


What Are The Causes Of  Dry Skin In Winter & How To Prevent 

In India, winter Season is the coldest season for all parts of the country. In the season, the wind becomes so cool & blows all the time. In the winter sometimes it rains & in the morning wonderful fog will show. In the winter the atmosphere is cold, the days are very short & the nights are long. People wear beautiful colors of woolen clothes to keep themselves warm. Some people sit near the fire to enjoy the warm with hot tea or coffee. This is one of the most enjoyable months of the year and in winter schools and college have holidays; so people travel to beautiful places for a picnic.
Morning walk is the best exercise in winter because you get fresh air to breathe. This keeps you fresh throughout the day. You can do yoga for warmup your body.

But the winter season also brings some problems for the skin. Due to the Cold air, harsh winds, and other seasonal lead to the skin rough, dry, and itchy during in the winter. In the winter, you can notice the changes to your skin.

Reasons for Dry Skin

Cold air has less moisture than warm air so it intensely drying. So drying out your skin, apply a moisturizer daily. Moisturizers work great by locking water into your skin's top layer. Apply moisturizer after bathing or use a heavier lotion or cream for longer moisture especially for rough & dry areas.
prevent dry skin in winter, stay farther away from fire glow, and limit your time sitting by the fire. Because the heat from the fire can toast your dead or dry skin.

Hot showers and baths

A hot shower can feel great but it is actually very bad for your skin.
To prevent your skin from becoming dry, use lukewarm rather than hot water. Add a few drops of lavender or almond oil to the water it helps your skin soothe. Don't use highly alkaline and detergent soaps in winter.

Hot drinks or alcohol

On the winter’s day, everybody like to warm up with a cup of hot coffee. However, the coffee or alcohol can dry your skin from the inside. The alcohol is a diuretic and has a dehydrating effect on your body.
To stay hydrated, drink lots of water. For each cup of coffee or glass of wine, you must drink at least one glass of water. Even better, replace your coffee through herbal tea, which doesn’t contain caffeine.

Prevent Sunburn

We know that the sun rays damage skin in the summer but winter sun can be just as damaging. Even if we can’t feel the heat but the ultraviolet (UV) rays are still present. So apply sunscreen if you’re going outside in the daytime.

Dear readers, In winter, prevent your skin from getting dry, itchy problems by using moisturize regularly, wear protective clothing and sunscreen.

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