What Are The Benefits & Side Effects Of Methi Seeds For Diabetic


What Are The Benefits & Side Effects Of Methi For 


IN HEALTH NEWS; Methi one of the healthiest seeds used in our cooking and also for medicins. The wonder seeds, contains vitamins, minerals, iron, antioxidants, calcium, proteins & it is a rich source of dietary soluble fiber.

Benefits Of Methi seeds 

Methi seeds help control on various health treatment such as body fluids, blood pressure, heart rate, diabetes, colds, sore throats, arthritis, high cholesterol, skin problems, bronchitis, abscesses, hair loss, constipation, kidney ailments, upset stomach, male impotence and some types of sexual dysfunction.

The Methi seeds control the sugar label and increase the amount of insulin released. In a study found that a daily dose of 10 grams/a teaspoon of Methi seeds soaked in hot water may help control type 2 diabetes because  Methi seeds are the good source of soluble fiber, contain that helps lower the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. This control lowers the blood glucose levels in diabetes people and improves overall glucose tolerance.

Side Effects Of Methi Seeds 

Due to overdoes or without the consult of doctor it will cause diarrhea, stomach upset, bloating, gas, and a "maple syrup" odor in urine, coughing, wheezing, facial swelling, and severe allergic reactions in hypersensitive people.

Do not take more than a teaspoon of seeds every day. 
without doctor consult please do not take any types of medicine, remember in some cases it is not a substitute for medicine. Again, please consult with your health doctor first.
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